The Lost World
New work created using my Lightroom Presets (Phase Collection) and a couple of my photographs. I had this work sitting on my computer for a long time, somehow I felt that now was the perfect time to share it. I hope you enjoy my new work!
Exif & Equipment:
Nikon D800, Nikon 14 - 24 mm f/2.8 & Sirui Tripod R-4203L and K-40X
The Sky: 30 sec, ISO 6400, f/2.8
The Shipwreck: 30 sec, ISO 800, f/4.0
The Foreground: 30 sec, ISO 6400, f/2.8
First I imported all of the files in Lightroom and applied a Phase Preset (Balanced - Base). After I had adjusted the colors, I opened the photographs in Photoshop. I masked the pictures to create the final peace. Once ready I applied another Phase Preset (Hazy Night) in Lightroom to give the image atmospheric final look.
Click to view full size on a dark background!
Mikko Lagerstedt - The Lost World - 2015
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